Everything you must know about "Internet of Things".

The "Internet of things" (IoT) is becoming an increasingly growing topic of conversation among both the workplace and outside. Many of you people had a lot of confusion that WHAT IS INTERNET OF THINGS ? HOW DOES IT WORK? WHAT WILL BE THE IMPACT OF IoT ? 

So guys, IoT is very huge concept which can't be understood in a single blog. So, we will stick to the basics of IoT so that you will get an idea What IoT actually is ? and how it will work.

There are lot of complexities around the "Internet of Things". Many technical conversation had but still many of the people are trying to grasp the foundation of Internet of Things.

You must know that it's a concept that has the potential to to impact how we live but also how we work.

In today's date if we observe, the Broadband Internet are widely available, more devices are created with the capability of Wi-Fi and sensors built into them, technology costs are going down, and smartphones production are Sky-rocketing. All of these things are creating a "perfect storm" for the concept of Internet of Things.

So, What is Internet of Things ?

The main concept of the IoT is that whatever the devices we are using in our day to day life with an on and off switch to the Internet, all them will get interconnected with each other. Including Cell phones, Headphones, Fans, Coffee makers, Mixers, Air Conditioner, Lamps, Wearable devices and almost everything you can think of.

Now. here the analyst firm Gartner says that by 2020 there will be over 26 billion connected devices, some even estimate this number to be much higher over, 100 billion.

The most basic thing we can say about the concept of IoT is that this concept will follow the relationship between people-people, people-things and things-things.

How it will work ?

To make you understand the working of the Internet of Things, it will better to make you understand with an example:

Assume, that you have set an alarm of 6 o'clock . Your alarm clock will make you to wake up at 6'o clock at the same time your Coffee maker had brew a coffee for you because of the information sent by the Alarm clock to the Coffee maker with the help of interconnection concept of Internet of Things.

This is the best example to make you understand the foundation of Internet of Things.

The concept of Internet of Things can be very much useful for making the smart cities, it can also be used for betterment of the Transportation in metro cities like Mumbai and Delhi.

This concept can make our lifestyle so easy that we won't even need to get up and take a glass of water by ourself but at the same it will make us very lazy which can be extremely bad for us. Like every technology even this technology will have many pros and cons. It's on us how we use these kind of technologies in our life and what preference we will give to these kind of technologies.

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